A method to inject drugs directly into cells?

A method to inject drugs directly into cells?

A recent paper published in Nature covers some exciting research work – a new therapeutic method designed to allow the injection of drugs directly into cells, conferring a high selectivity to treatments. Researchers describe a new method for delivering proteins into living cells using a bacterial contractile injection system. They engineered this system to be able to target specific cells and release a payload of proteins into them. But how does it work? The bacterial contractile injection system described in the article uses a small, nanoscale apparatus called a bacteriophage T4 contractile sheath. This sheath comprises proteins that can be…
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Cancer vaccines – wishful thinking or medical possibility?

Cancer vaccines – wishful thinking or medical possibility?

Watch a short summary of the article here: We are all familiar with vaccines. From the MMR vaccines we received as children, to the boosters we took during adolescence; we have all seen the seasonal flyers every year at our GP encouraging us to book a flu jab. Recently, the advent of COVID vaccines as well as other protective measures such as quarantine and social distancing helped curb the rising numbers of infected individuals during the pandemic. Vaccines have helped eradicate some diseases entirely – take smallpox as an example. But the vaccine has always been attributed as a measure…
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