A method to inject drugs directly into cells?

A method to inject drugs directly into cells?

A recent paper published in Nature covers some exciting research work – a new therapeutic method designed to allow the injection of drugs directly into cells, conferring a high selectivity to treatments. Researchers describe a new method for delivering proteins into living cells using a bacterial contractile injection system. They engineered this system to be able to target specific cells and release a payload of proteins into them. But how does it work? The bacterial contractile injection system described in the article uses a small, nanoscale apparatus called a bacteriophage T4 contractile sheath. This sheath comprises proteins that can be…
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<strong>MedicDiaries: Melissa Torkizadeh, Consulting Intern</strong>

MedicDiaries: Melissa Torkizadeh, Consulting Intern

Melissa Torkizadeh is a final year medical student at King’s College London. She shares her experience as a consulting intern at Candesic during her elective, and how the clinical and the consulting can compliment each other. Y: Who are you and what do you do? M: I’m a King’s College London student, currently finishing my final year, starting F1 this coming August. I intercalated in medical sciences with gastroenterology and hepatology at Imperial College London. My interests relate to building a career that combines both clinical medicine with the business and managerial side. I became very interested in hospital leadership…
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MedicDiaries: Valerie Cai, Startup Founder and PsychStar

MedicDiaries: Valerie Cai, Startup Founder and PsychStar

Valerie Cai is a King's College medical student. She is a co-founder of innovating catheter firm Nexacath, founder of PuffiN Mental Health and the current RCPsych PsychStar in perinatal mental health. She is also a former intern at Kanna Health, and former research assistant at Great Ormond Street Hospital. She discusses skill-building in the startup field, and shares her experience on balance, pushing boundaries and keeping on learning in challenging fields. Y: Who are you and what do you do? V: I'm a graduate medical student at King’s, currently in my fourth year. My main interests within medicine are psychiatry…
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MedicDiaries: Kien Hang, Computer Scientist and Creator

MedicDiaries: Kien Hang, Computer Scientist and Creator

Kien Hang is a UCL medical student. He is currently undertaking an MSc in Computer Science and is a recipient of the Professor Sir Malcolm Grant Postgraduate Scholarship, awarded to individuals who show leadership potential. He talks to us about his endeavours in the tech and medtech fields, working with the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS), NHSX and consultancy firm Hardian Health, and what it took to get him there. Y: In your own words, how would you describe yourself? K: My name is Kien, I am a master's computer science student. I was a medic, I’ve done 5 years…
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